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"You Are The Man!"
 (2 Samuel 12:7) ...
This video explains the connection between the accronim of Israel's disputed areas: Judea, Samaria And Gaza (in phonetic Hebrew: Yehuda, Shomron Ve Aza) and the name of Yeshua.
There seems to be no coincidence about the fact that the name of Yeshua is actually engraved in the name of the Biblical Land.
As we may understand better now the message of our Creator regarding the Land of Israel, each one of us should think responsibly and decide to whom the Biblical Land belongs
to, reevaluate our position in favor of Israel, make sure we are aligned with HIS will.
The Facing-Each-Other initiative belongs to a Jewish Orthodox, non-profit organization based in Israel, meant to bring clarity and reconciliation between all the apparently antagonistic  issues  separating between Judaism and Christianity. 
All the arguments are based on the Torah, TANAKH, Hasidut,  Writings of Chazal.
Contact: Phone: +972-52-684-7524
Address: Facing Each Other - Ariel Cohen Alloro 
at: Baruch Ben Yosef - Law Office
7 Shmuel HaNagid Street, 
Jerusalem, Israel
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